Medications - Medic8 Health Guide

medication is a cornerstone of healthcare. this section offers extensive information about many common drugs on the market; how they work, potential side effects, and how the medicine should be taken.

the information provided here is written by trained pharmacists who have an in depth knowledge of side effects and interactions with other medicines.   


this is a heart medicine used to treat arrhythmias. this article profiles how it works and when it is recommended.


amoxycillin is a penicillin that is used to treat a wide range of infections. this article profiles the medication, its uses, and side effects.


this article looks at commonly used pain killers (analgesics) and which drugs can be used to treat different levels of pain severity.


aspirin has a wide range of uses. it can be used for pain relief and to help prevent a heart attack and stroke. this article looks at some of its properties.


atorvastatin is a cholesterol-lowering drug which can help prevent a stroke or heart attack. this article profiles the medication and how it should be used.


augmentin is a commonly prescribed antibiotic. this article discusses its uses and side effects.


this medicine eases stomach and bowel cramps. this article looks at its properties and side effects.


this article details safe levels of caffeine consumption and includes hints for cutting down your caffeine intake.


ceclor is a medicine used to treat many common infections. this article profiles its uses and side effects.


this is a new class of drug that may be particularly useful for patients unable to tolerate anti-inflammatories. this article outlines important facts and precautions about it.


this medicine is used to treat erection problems. this article profiles the medication and its side effects.

dandruff treatments

dandruff can be itchy and embarrassing. simple management using over the counter shampoos usually works well. persistent and severe cases should be examined by a doctor to rule out other similar and related conditions.

desmopressin (minirin)

desmopressin is a medicine used to control bedwetting by reducing urine production. this article profiles the medicine and how it should be used.


this drug is used to treat heart failure. this article profiles the medication and its side effects.

dry eye products (artificial tears)

there are several different products available to treat dry eyes. this article profiles these and how they should be used.

epilim (sodium valproate)

this is a medication used to control epilepsy. this article profiles the drug, possible side effects, and recommendations for how it should be taken.


erythromycin is an antibiotic that is effective against a range of infections. this article profiles the drug and its uses.


this medicine is mainly used to treat skin and chest infections. this article profiles the drug, its uses and side effects.

folic acid

folic acid has been shown to reduce the incidence of spina bifida when taken before conception and in early pregnancy. this article profiles the supplement.

hormone replacement therapy

whether to take hrt is a difficult decision for many women. this article examines some of the controversies surrounding the issue.

hyperbaric oxygen treatment

hyperbaric oxygen treatment is used in the treatment of several different conditions. this article lists some of these and how the therapy works.


imigran is an effective treatment for migraine headaches. this article provides an overview of the product.

isotretinoin (roaccutane)

this medicine is used to treat stubborn forms of acne, however it must be used carefully due to its side effect profile. this article profiles the drug and how it should be used.


this medicine is used to treat erection problems. this article profiles the medication and its side effects.


lithium is a drug used to treat mental illnesses such as manic depression (bipolar disorder). this article outlines the medication and its side effects.

losec (omeprazole)

losec is a drug used to treat stomach ulcers and gastric reflux. this article profiles the medication and its side effects.


melatonin has been proven to help treat jet lag and sleep disorders in shift workers. this article looks at the latest evidence and some of the unsubstantiated claims that have been made.


metronidazole is used to fight bacterial infections. this article outlines how the drug works and its potential side effects.


this medicine is used to treat urinary tract infections such as cystitis. this article profiles the medication, the side effects, and how it should be taken.

pain relief in labour

this article provides a broad overview of the different methods of pain relief that can be used during child birth.


paracetamol is a useful pain relief medicine, particularly for children. this article profiles the medicine and its side effects.

paracetamol & aspirin preparations

over-the-counter preparations available to the the public that contain aspirin and/or paracetamol.

penicillin v

this medicine is often used to treat chest and throat infections. this article profiles the drug and its side effects.


this medication is used to control seizures in epileptics. this article discusses the use and side effects of the drug.


this medicine is used to relieve nausea and anxiety. this article looks at the drug's properties and possible side effects.


prozac belongs to a new group of anti-depressants known as ssris. this article profiles the drug and its side effects.

quinine sulphate

this medicine is used to treat night cramps, malaria and other infective species. this article profiles the drug and its side effects.


reductil is an appetite suppressant that is used as a weight loss medication. this article profiles the drug and its side effects.

rehydration fluids (electrolyte solutions)

electrolyte solutions are used to replace water and salt lost from vomiting and diarrhoea. this article looks at the different products available and how they should be used.


this article gives an outline of some new anti-viral agents (relenza and tamiflu) which have a role in treating cases of influenza.

rheumatoid arthritis medications

this article profiles a range of important medications known as disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (dmards).


simvastatin is a cholesterol-lowering drug which is used to help prevent a stroke or heart attack. this article profiles the medication and how it should be used.

st john's wort

this is a herbal remedy used as an alternative treatment for mild to moderate depression. this article profiles the remedy, the evidence for its use, and what precautions to take while using it.


this is an anti-viral drug that is indicated for the treatment and prevention of influenza, including bird flu. this article gives an overview of the drug and dose regimes.

tegretol (carbamazepine)

tegretol is a medication used to treat epilepsy, bipolar disorder and certain pain syndromes. this article provides a thorough overview of the medication, its side effects, and how it should be used.


these antibiotics are used to treat many common infections, sexually transmitted diseases and acne. this article profiles the medication.

thiazide and related diuretics

thiazide diuretics are used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. this article profiles the medication, its benefits and side effects.


thyroxine is used in the treatment of an underactive thyroid gland. this article discusses how it is used and its possible side effects.


this medicine is mainly used to treat urinary tract infections. this article provides an overview of the medication and how it should be taken.

vaginal thrush products

these products are used to treat vaginal thrush (candida). this article profiles the different treatments available and how they should be used.


viagra is considered a breakthrough in the treatment of erection problems. this article profiles the medication and its side effects.


warfarin is a medication that helps prevent blood clotting and is used to treat several conditions. this article provides information about the drug and how it should be used.


this drug helps with weight loss in overweight patients. this article profiles the product and its side effects.

zopiclone and zolpidem

zopiclone and zolpidem are used for the short-term treatment of insomnia. this article gives an overview of these drugs and their side-effects.


this medicine is used to treat shingles and genital herpes. this article profiles the drug and how it should be used.

Medic8® Family Health Guide : Medications
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