More and more men are opting to get cosmetic surgery. However, most men are still too shy to talk about what they have had done. This isn’t really surprising as men are traditionally reluctant to talk about their health and medical problems.
However, the growth in male plastic surgery follows an increased interest by many men in ensuring they look after their bodies. In time as this growth increases the embarrassment felt by men should subside.
Speaking with reporters one Florida plastic surgeon Sarvam TerKonda said: “Even though cosmetic surgery procedures are on the rise in men and some don’t mind sharing their experiences, overall most men will not and choose to be more discreet.”
What sort of treatments are men having?
For the most part, they are non invasive operations such as Botox and what has been called outpatient procedures, according to Rebecca Glasser who runs a practice in Jacksonville in the USA. She said: “I’ve had a lot of requests for Botox and fillers. Men want to look good for the same reasons women seek cosmetic procedures.”
She added: “I think men want the same goals as their wives and girlfriend. Baby boomers want to turn back the clock no matter what gender.”
There is also another probable reason for this increase in male cosmetic surgery, and that is the economic situation. Getting a job nowadays isn’t just about how good you are or could be at the job, but how well you present yourself at the interview. Having cosmetic surgery is perceived as a stepping stone on the road to getting back into employment or changing jobs.
Dr. TerKonda said: “Everyone wants to put their best foot forward and that includes enhancing their appearance.”
And this viewpoint seems to be borne out. One patient decided to have plastic surgery after he lost 30 pounds. Barry Lind said: “After successfully losing 30 pounds over two years, I decided to get a neck reduction at age 47. That consisted of liposuction and tightening of my neck muscles.”
Since then he has continued having treatment which included a chin implant. Barry added: “I’ve maintained my weight, and I look great. No regrets.”