President Obama’s health insurance Act is now fully implemented. Yet despite hiccups, it seems to be having some success.
However, it is also apparent that despite the aims of the new healthcare system, there are still a large group of people who are openly hostile about it.
One individual recently said that he did not believe Medicaid (the USA’s state funded health care system for poorer citizens) was good for business.
However, this comment was disputed by a practicing physician who told reporters that this particular view held by many US citizens and business people was completely unfounded.
Senior healthcare policy analyst John Davidson pointed out that the conclusions of research into the State of Oregon’s Medicaid system were flawed. For instance, he said that researchers didn’t even ask why Medicaid patients used hospital emergency services.
This discussion, it seems, relates to controversy over the State of Texas health authority’s decision whether or not to expand its own Medicaid system.
It has been pointed out that while it is true that increasing health costs can become a problem, it is also an equal, if not more damaging problem for Texas’ economy, if there are growing numbers of uninsured citizens.
Suggestions have been made that people who have no insurance and little access to health care are more likely to be less productive members of society.
It is also believed that it’s more likely that these people will die earlier than they should.
President Obama’s health care reforms, while not a national health service on a par with Britain’s, is intended to ensure those with health problems and a little money should not be denied health insurance cover.
Ironically, although the health insurance companies in general accepted the new regulations, the main opposition still comes from Republican politicians.