The State of Texas recently passed the controversial Sonogram Bill, by a margin of 21 votes to 10.
The aim of the bill is to force a woman who wants an abortion to have sonogram so that she hears and see the baby she (according to anti abortionists) is about to kill. The hope is that the woman will change her mind.
The bill itself was criticised widely as being senseless as it required the woman to have the sonogram 24 hours before the abortion was carried out.
Proponents of the bill apparently have been invoking words from the Bible in order to persuade any waverers, something that appears to have been successful. For example, it is reported that Senator Dan Patrick quoted the following passage from the Bible: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. He knows all of us.”
Those against the new law however believe that women have a right to choose, and it is cruel to force her (at the last hour, so to speak) to go through a harrowing experience. Abortion itself is bad enough without having extra pressure put on a woman.
Without doubt, other than the economy, abortion is one of the hottest issues in America to date. And it doesn’t appear to going away any time soon.