Governor Perry of Texas wants all women seeking an abortion to be forced to have a sonogram prior to any treatment being carried out. Backed by the Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and Houston Senator Dan Patrick, the bill has been granted emergency status.
He told a rally of anti abortionists, marking a 38 year anniversary that legalised abortion: “It’s pretty hard to imagine people of good conscience sitting idly by through this, and in Texas we haven’t.”
A similar bill was defeated in 2009, but analysts believe it might have a better chance this time since the Republicans have a two thirds majority in the Lower House in the Federal legislature.
The bill does have its critics however, notably Planned Parenthood who provides family planning services and abortions throughout the US. Speaking for the organisation, Rochelle Tafolla said: “It’s pretty unbelievable, given the state of the State. We’re facing an unprecedented budget crisis and this bill is completely unnecessary.”
The fact that the bill was granted emergency status is very important; giving this allows it to be effectively fast tracked.
Even more alarming for pro abortionists this time, is the bill goes further than the original 2009 bill. In other words, not only will pregnant women be forced to have a sonogram before an abortion takes place, she will have to listen to an audio of the heartbeat of the foetus.
Further, doctors will also have to explain all the physical features that show up on the sonogram to the pregnant women.
In short, while not outlawing abortion, supporters of the bill hope that it will force women to think twice. Proposers also think alternatives should be offered to women even as late as 24 hours before the abortion takes place at least.
Those opposed to the bill argue that this is adding undue pressure to women who probably had qualms in the first place. The decision to have an abortion is not something that is taken lightly.