A well known American company called Wallgreen is planning to sell male fertility testing kits.
Female pregnancy testing kits have been around for many years, but an increasing number of men are finding they have low sperm counts, which results in infertility problems for the couples concerned.
As such, according to the makers of the kit and Wallgreen, a simple test for a man may help decide if he needs further medical help.
Called SpermCheck it is expected to be on sale at the retailer’s shops in April. However, one fertility expert cautions spending money on such tests. Dr. Sanfilippo, a professor of obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive science told reporters: “I would kind of label that approach with caution.”
He added: “My advice is to not waste time and money with home semen analyses. It’s not only looking at the sperm count and the motility or movement and the shape [or] morphology.”
Infertility specialists will also repeat the same sort of tests that this self help kit is designed to do. So, according to fertility experts, it is wasted money. The kit isn’t cheap – it will cost around £30
Dr. Sanfilippo also believes that such tests may also overly worry men who get a negative result. He knows many men who have been successfully treated who originally showed signs of potential infertility. These tests may lead men to believe nothing can be done about their situation.
SpermCheck was originally marketed to men who had had a vasectomy. However, the company who makes the products believes it will be beneficial to all men who want to check their sperm count.