Researchers from John Hopkins University in the USA have found that phoning a support line is just as effective as being face to face with a weight loss coach.
Researchers divided participants in the study into 2 groups. In one group they were asked to both see their weight loss coach and then phone them for support. The other group were asked just to phone. A control group was also used. Participants in this group were just provided with pamphlets and access to an information website.
The results were rather surprising.
While both groups lost weight, it seems that the amount was basically the same in each. The average was 10 pounds. The control group did lose weight, but this was just 2 pounds at most.
Speaking with reporters, one of the researchers, Arlene Dalcin said: “I think originally we thought the in-person group would do better.”
She added: “In fact, there was no difference between in-person and remote. Each group lost a little more than 10 pounds and kept it off for two years.”
The researchers concluded that while getting counselling support was vital in helping obese people lose weight, the type of support didn’t matter in itself. Phoning the support worker was just as effective as seeing them in person.
Most weight loss regimes, such as weight watchers, expect their clients to see someone in person for counselling. However, the John Hopkins research suggests that this is not necessary, which will be good news for those who dislike having to embarrass themselves in front of a room full of other people. It could also be useful for those who don’t have time to regularly attend counselling sessions.
The study leader Dr. Lawrence Appel said: “In most weight-loss studies, there is a lot of emphasis on frequent, in-person counselling sessions, but from a logistical perspective, it’s a disaster.”
He added: “Patients start off strong but then stop attending in-person sessions. That’s why I like the telephone programme. It is convenient to individuals and can be done anywhere. You could be living in rural South Dakota, and we could deliver this intervention. It removes some of the major logistical barriers.”