Scientists in the USA have suggested that Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil, could help prevent blindness.
Researchers working at the Boston Children’s hospital have already found that Omega-3 helps prevent retinopathy, a disease that causes eventual blindness, as result of leaking blood vessels. However the same researchers think the fatty acids may also prevent other blood vessel related diseases that end in the person becoming blind. These conditions are called neovascular disorders, and include diabetes related blindness and age related macular degeneration.
Dr. Lois Smith, the senior investigator recently gave out a statement which read: “The ability to prevent these ‘neovascular’ eye diseases with omega-3 fatty acids could provide tremendous cost savings.”
The researchers published their work in the Science Translational Medicine journal. They are also excited by the fact that they believe the positive effects of Omega-3 is not interfered with by other potential inhibitors which include aspirin, analgesics or non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs.
However it has been pointed out that the asthma drug zileuton may interact with Omega-3.
With diabetes on the increase worldwide, and retinopathy being a very serious condition, the news that Omega-3 can help stop the development of retinopathy into full blown blindness will certainly be welcomed.
Fish oils are the best known foodstuffs containing Omega-3 fatty acids and are found in tuna, sardines, salmon, mackerel, Atlantic herring, swordfish and lake trout. However other non fish foods also contain high levels of Omega-3 including flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, soybeans and soybean oil, walnuts, brazil nuts, soy nuts, olive oil, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds
That’s not oil, Omega-3 is found in wide variety of fruit and vegetables.
As has been stated many times, eating a healthy balanced diet which includes Omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial. It also seems it’s beneficial as a preventative medicine for blindness.