Celebrity Miley Cyrus recently posted a new photograph of herself showing her curvy figure.
However critics have suggested that she is anorexic, something she has always denied. She told reporters in April: “For everyone calling me anorexic, I have a gluten and lactose allergy. It’s not about weight, it’s about health. Gluten is crap anyway! Everyone should try no gluten for a week! The change in your skin, physical and mental health is amazing! U won’t go back!”
These comments were also backed up by her personal trainer – she’s had one since she was 14. Mari Winsor who is a Pilates instructor commented: “She’s healthy and she feels good, that’s the main thing. She’s smart about her body. She wanted to sculpt her body, that’s all.”
Whenever a celebrity loses as much weight as Miley Cyrus apparently did, there is always speculation by the media as to whether they are suffering from some sort of eating disorder. Miley Cyrus is just the latest in a long list.
However in one way this is perhaps understandable as Miley earlier in the year was sporting a fuller figure which caused some commentators to call her fat. She responded in a similar fashion then, when she said: “By calling girls like me fat, this is what you’re doing to other people. I don’t wanna be shaped like a girl. I love being shaped like a woman, & trust me ladies your man won’t mind either 😉 ”
No doubt this fascination with celebrities like Miley Cyrus will continue. However they are often a role model for many young people who are themselves struggling with their weight. How the fans of Miley will react to this would be interesting to know.