A recent NHS report has found that thousands of people across the UK are now actively trying to lose weight by taking tablets.
In just ten years there has also been a massive increase in the numbers of pharmaceutical products being dispensed. In 1999 the numbers were around 127,000, but this jumped to 1.48 million by 2009, the most recent figures available. A year before the figure was 1.28 million.
Cases of obesity admissions in NHS hospitals have also risen massively by 30% over the same period. For instance, in the years 1999/2000 the number was just 979. By 2009/10 this figure had grown dramatically to 10,571.
One question on everyone’s lips is why?
While obesity in the UK is a growing problem, solving it by taking medication is not considered to be particularly good. Nutritionists and other medical practitioners will generally advise proper exercise and diet rather than taking supplements. This should be something only considered if all else fails and perhaps one last try before a physical operation.
While the figures mentioned above are alarming, there is also evidence that obesity in the UK maybe stabilising, among adults at least. However medical professionals do warn that it will take a number of years monitoring before any downward trend is seen.
Hopefully, with the Olympics taking place next year the event will boost sport and exercise in Britain, something that will invariably help eradicate the obesity problem in both children and adults alike.