This week is National Infertility Awareness Week in the USA. Its aim is to raise greater awareness across the globe about the seriousness of infertility.
There are many reasons for the cause of this problem, but the effects are the same irrespective of the cause. In fact it is so serious it is now recognised that 1 in 6 couples worldwide suffer from the problem.
As such, the campaign offers people suffering from infertility the chance to tell their stories.
One couple invited to share their experience is Jane & Sean Griffin. Jane told reporters: “My job is incredibly difficult. Ironically I work as a nurse on a delivery ward and have to spend every day bringing babies in to the world.”
She added: “The majority of my patients have drug problems and are not capable of raising these children. But I told myself God has a plan and I had to trust that one day we would have our own baby.”
Jane’s husband Sean worked away a lot, which meant Jane had to go with him in order to try and get help. This caused the couple to realise the immense problems associated with getting treatment.
However she did manage to get treated in of all places – Barbados – by the Barbados Fertility Centre (BFC).
Jane added: “…They had very impressive success rates and the team were so friendly! We really felt a part of the process and that they genuinely cared about helping us have a child. We could afford a vacation and the treatment in Barbados, and it was still less than just treatment alone in the US…”
As indicated above there are many different causes of infertility. In Sean and Jane’s case there was a positive result, but for many people, particularly in poorer parts of the world, IVF and other similar treatments are unaffordable.
Hopefully, this week won’t just be for people in the USA but will encourage similar campaigns globally.