Recent research has revealed a worrying link between dental surgery and an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes during the post procedure timeframe. The research study revealed that patients tended to suffer heart attacks and strokes more frequently in the first 4 weeks following surgery than other stages during or following the healing period.
Dr. Francesco D’Aiuto has attributed this link to the fact that heart attacks and strokes are “linked to bacterial infections and inflammation after other invasive treatments, likely because inflammation can damage the walls of arteries and contribute to the formation of plaques that clog arteries.”
However such claims have been slammed due to the insufficiency of information used in the study, with critics revealing errors in recording information in the database used by researchers.
Researchers have nevertheless defended their findings claiming that “the study was not designed to determine if dental surgery causes heart problems, only to see if they are associated with each other” Dr. Howard Weitz
Essentially, such research has revealed that dental surgery can in fact lead to certain health complications depending on the patient’s medical history but cannot suggest that they should delay dental procedures.