Going bald, particularly for most men is not something they enjoy. In fact people spend millions of pounds every year trying to find that elusive treatment that will restore their hair or at least stop it getting worse.
One treatment that does appear to be successful is hair transplant therapy. However, it is a very costly treatment at around £30,000. But it seems the treatment is not totally successful – men can still end up losing their hair.
Speaking recently with reporters, Marilyn Sherlock, chairman of the Institute Of Trichologists said: I would say the majority of men are happy but I have come across those who definitely are not.”
She added: “The technique has really improved over the past 20 years, but I have been to court with people who have been left with scarring on their scalp. I think the key is to always go for a surgeon by recommendation.”
The problem apparently is that the treatment can be very tricky. The technique involves cutting away a small strip of skin from the scalp, which inevitably leaves a scar. Normally the scarring would be hidden by the growing hair but in some people this doesn’t always happen. In fact the treatment is not always a success.
Referring to the grafting, one expert, Dr. Farjo said: “We divide [the] graft into natural groupings of one to four hair roots and transplant these into tiny holes made across the balding patches at the top or front of the head.”
“If a man is in his mid-40s and is a bit bald on top, then it would take a couple of operations to resemble his former density of hair.”
Dr. Farjo continued: “But you can have a hair transplant at any age — my oldest patient was 81 — and it is easier to do when the hair loss is advanced.”
But things can go wrong, Dr. Farjo suggested. Transplanted roots don’t always grow. As such he believes a failure rate of 5-15% is acceptable.
Over the last few years a number of well known male celebrities have undergone hair transplant therapy. The most famous is Manchester United footballer Wayne Rooney, but more recently the star of ITV’s ‘Dancing on Ice’, namely Kyran Bracken also decided to give it a go.
Kyran hopes that people like him and Wayne could help other men who suffer in silence over their baldness, when in fact something can be done about it- even if the remedy is heavy on the pocket.