More and more British men it seems are opting for cosmetic surgery to reduce the size of the own breasts, more commonly called man boobs or moobs.
While breast reduction surgery for men, has currently become something of a joke among many in society, for those who have excess fat in the breast bone area, it is no laughing matter.
Further, it is actually a growing problem with around 1 in 10 men suffering from oversized or swollen breasts. The problem for some can be alleviated by losing weight, but for others it’s not so simple. Hence this latter group need cosmetic surgery.
Oddly, the condition called gynaecomastia is also found in teenage boys, and is apparently caused by a hormonal imbalance during puberty. It tends to disappear within a few years.
However it is also possible that the condition continues afterwards for some. In this case there may be a link with problems connected to the pituitary gland, the liver or even the testicles.
In rare cases, man boobs can result from taking anabolic steroids.
Dereth Keily, surgical co-ordinator for a clinic in Yorkshire told local reporters: “I think a lot of it is to do with the television programmes, things like Embarrassing Bodies.”
She added: “You get guys sitting on the sofa at home thinking they’re the only ones with a chest like that and then they see other guys and realise they’re not on their own.
“Men are very shy about it but they only have to see a few shows like that and it gives them the confidence to pick the phone up, ring the call centre and then they come and see us.
“Extra fat on the chest can make men feel very self-conscious because a man wants to feel like a man and we all associate fat on the breasts with a woman. I think they feel it’s a bit anti-male.”
Before deciding on work, breast tissue is graded according to size; smaller moobs are treated via liposuction while larger breasts are likely to be treated by glandular surgery.