Gordon Ramsay is no stranger to cosmetic surgery and he has openly admitted to a number of procedures in the past. However, the dramatic new lengths he has gone to this time have cost him a little of his pride as well as his money after his bad reaction to a hair transplant left him looking more cabbage patch doll than handsome TV chef.
He was recently snapped whilst on holiday with the Beckhams in California looking tired and pale – a million miles away from his usual strangely charismatic self – following a mammoth hair transplant procedure that lasted 12 hours.
The TV chef – famed for his uncouth outbursts – is believed to have forked out a staggering £30,000 for the treatment which involves moving strong hair follicles from the rear of the head to the front; where hair follicles are generally weaker to combat the problem of a receding hair line.
Dr Mabroor Bhatti, of Transform cosmetic surgery, says; “It would appear he has had a reaction from his heavy hair transplant,”
“Patients can experience swelling, which can work itself from the head to the bottom of the face.
“Gordon seems to have suffered more than usual.”
Gordon, 44, has never denied undergoing cosmetic procedures that he believes will boost his career in the appearance-obsessed USA. He has already admitted to undergoing Botox and filler injections as well as a smile makeover with a set of ‘Hollywood’ teeth in 2009.
A family friend of the Ramsays has spoken out about Gordon’s belief that these procedures are going to help launch his career in the States: “While his hair may not have been obviously receding, it had become an issue for him,”
‘He knows that in American TV, looks are all important.”
Only time will tell whether Gordon’s efforts to crack the US will pay off but if there is one thing for sure, that is that the man truly is dedicated to the cause.