March is Glaucoma month in that medical doctors have suggested that people get their eyes checked out for any signs of glaucoma.
In Australia glaucoma checks have been heavily promoted to coincide with Senior Citizens Week. As such pensioners and other older people are being advised to get their eyes examined, as it is a disease that tends to affect older people in general. As Glaucoma is a serious disorder that can cause blindness, it isn’t something that should be ignored.
Speaking with reporters, Dr David Manning, a glaucoma specialist said: “Glaucoma is often detected at routine eye examinations when people present for their usual glasses update.”
He added: “Everyone asks about checking their macula for macular degeneration but no one mentions their optic nerve. Glaucoma, which damages the optic nerve, is still the leading cause of permanent blindness in the world today.’’
The major problem with Glaucoma is that in many cases there are no initial signs presented. Sufferers often only find out when it is too late and in Australia and around the world it is a leading cause of blindness. As such, it is vital to get the eyes tested to look for known detectable signs. Early detection can make all the difference.
Dr. Manning added: “If glaucoma is found before significant vision loss occurs and treatment is started, we now have the ability to prevent further damage to the eye.
“Glaucoma is the end result of multiple disease processes that destroy the optic nerve. High blood pressure is commonly linked to glaucoma but is certainly not the only cause of the disease.’’
“It is important to check your eyes regularly, just like you go to the GP or the dentist every two years, to detect issues before they become blinding.’’
Glaucoma results from damage to or destruction of the optic nerve. It is often related to other disorders such as diabetes. Other people at risk are those who suffer migraines, those with eye injuries, long and shortsighted people and people who take corticosteroids. While high blood pressure is linked it doesn’t cause Glaucoma.