Scientists in Germany have revealed that they are very close to finding a cure for hair loss.
Researchers at the Berlin Technical University have been developing a new cure, which involves using stem cells to create new hair follicles; this is the first time scientists have been able to create artificial hair follicles. The research team is confident that they will have cure for hair loss within the next five years.
The artificial hair follicles were grown from animal stem cells, but the researchers are now turning their attentions to creating them from human stem cells; this should be complete within the next year. Researcher Dr Roland Lauster said that preparations for clinical trials were already underway.
If the research team is successful in finding a cure for baldness, it is certain that they will become extremely rich; thousands of men are affected by hair loss across the world and the demand for a cure is huge. The hair loss industry is already worth millions and the treatments on offer are not always reliable and effective; a cure for baldness could increase the value of the industry enormously.