Doctor Arun Ghosh has urged patients to seek help if they are suffering from hair loss.
Many men suffer from hair loss but decide that it is part and parcel of getting older and believe that nothing can be done to help; however, according to Dr Ghosh, this is not always the case. Dr Ghosh said that hair loss is often related to the amount of testosterone a male produces; men who have high levels of testosterone often experience hair loss earlier than those with lower levels of the hormone.
Dr Ghosh advises patients to see their GP if they notice that their hair is thinning; if they leave it until they are completely bald, there is little that can be done, but there are treatments that can delay hair loss if they are prescribed early enough. GPs can prescribe minoxidil, which is also available over the counter.
If you do wish to go down the medical route, there are a number of treatments that can help to make the hair look thicker and slow hair loss, according to male grooming expert, Jason Shankey. Shankey said that hair loss can have a serious effect on a man’s confidence and make a significant difference to their physical appearance; he recommends cutting the hair short and replacing gels with matt hair products, as these help to make the hair look thicker.
There are also various therapies and treatments available from high street pharmacies and specialist hairdressers.