It seems that going under knife in India is as common as anything else. What’s more, it appears to be Indian men that are driving this by encouraging their wives and girlfriends to get work done.
The reason is also simple. Apparently many men want their spouses to return to the look she had when they first married. Moreover they are prepared to pay a hefty price to get it.
Speaking with reporters, one husband said: “There was a time, when my wife used to look sizzling hot. But after our first child, she has changed a lot. I wish I could get her back in shape, and feel those curves, which made me weak at the knees.”
Interestingly even new parents are in haste for the mother to ‘get back into shape’ as soon after the baby is born. If this doesn’t happen naturally then plastic surgery is perceived as the answer.
While men in general throughout the world have tended to wish their other halves would ensure they maintain their looks and figure, as age and home life creeps up on women, the likelihood of this happening tends to reduce. So, it is men who are now turning to cosmetic surgeons to find the solution. Moreover, as India is fast becoming a strong economic society the increasing disposable wealth is being spent on this type of work.
Confirming this, one Delhi cosmetic surgeon said: “Women who fall under the age bracket of 28-45 years generally opt for makeovers after child birth because unlike in earlier days when a woman thought her life was over after her child is born, today’s women take pregnancy and child birth just as ‘another step’ in their life.”
He added: “When it comes to keeping them in shape, their partners are playing an important role today.”
In general, cosmetic surgery has exploded in many countries around the world over the last couple of decades. No longer is it the preserve of the rich and famous.