A new study has revealed that a common testicular condition could contribute to infertility.
A varicocele is a condition which affects 15 percent of men over the age of 15; it occurs when the veins of the scrotum widen. Varicoceles are often completely harmless but they may sometimes cause pain and in the long-term may lead to decreased sperm count, which could contribute to infertility.
Although the condition affects 15 percent of men over the age of 15, it is found in over a third of men who have tests for primary infertility and 80 percent of those who undergo tests for secondary infertility.
The latest research on the condition, which was carried out in Brazil by a team at Sao Paulo Federal University, concluded that there was a strong link between varicoceles and infertility. The study was carried out to allow researchers to investigate the effects of early intervention; the study showed that the quality and mobility of the sperm improved after surgery.
The researchers did stress that surgery is not suitable for everyone and several factors must be taken into consideration before a patient is advised to undergo surgery.