In an interesting piece of research, scientists in Israel found that pregnancy rose from 20% to 36% in women undergoing IVF treatment when they were entertained by a clown.
The research was carried out by Dr. Shevach Friedler at the Assaf HaRofeh Medical Centre in Tel Aviv. After embryo implantation women were entertained for 15 minutes with jokes and magic tricks by the doctor himself.
The results were published in the Fertility and Sterility journal. Dr. Friedler who is also a graduate of a mime and theatre school, said: “One of the least hazardous interventions in our field. Patients suffering from infertility undergoing IVF are exceptionally stressed.”
If these results are replicated, then the old adage ‘laughter is the best medicine’ is confirmed, as far as infertility is concerned.
In other news, scientists from Cambridge University are developing a new mobile phone application that they believe will be able to measure a woman’s fertility cycle.
Called Duofertility, the application is intended to help couples who are suffering from infertility problems. The scientists at Cambridge say it is a non-invasive and easy to use way of monitoring a woman’s fertility, thus increasing the chances of getting pregnant.
The monitor measures a woman’s body temperature, heat flow and movement, with tremendous precision.