There are a growing number of charitable organisations and many individual causes in the US that are now springing up to help families in financial need, when a medical emergency arises.
The latest was started by a mother – Denise Mbise who with her friend Brenda Thomas discussed together how they could raise money to help out Denise’s family to cover costs of her daughter’s treatment. The pair also wanted to give something back. Her daughter Aliliywa was diagnosed with acute precursor B-cell lymphoblastic leukaemia.
The Mbise family do have medical insurance. However, it is often forgotten that it isn’t just the cost of the treatment that can be expensive. Travelling and extraneous costs including non medical equipment such as feeding tubes can also mount up.
The event that Denise and Brenda have devised is a benefit at Racine County Fairgrounds in Racine, USA. Among the various activities are live music, a bouncy castle or house, a live auction, a basket auction, a silent auction, games and food for children.
It seems the whole of the Lutheran Church community, at which Denise is a pastor has come together to help make the fundraiser a success. Speaking with local reporters, Denise Mbise said: “It’s blossomed. There’s a lot of energy behind it. I’ve been overwhelmed.”
As for Aliliywa (known to her family and friends as Ali) when told about the diagnosis she said: “I was scared. I was scared and sad.”
Her mother Denise said: “Thank God she had a kind that was curable.”
It is hoped the money raised at the fundraiser will help towards the ongoing costs of Ali’s treatment, including chemotherapy and oral medication.
As with all chemotherapy treatments, Ali will have lost her hair. The money will also be useful to buy substitute hair pieces while the hair grows back.