The debate between pro and anti abortion lobbyists moved across the US / Canadian border recently. A student association in a Canadian University passed a resolution to uphold a ban regarding an anti abortion club.
The pro life club in question which has about 10 members lost its accreditation last November, but tried to get the ban overturned at a student association meeting the following month. The club argued that it was being discriminated against.
However the ban was upheld.
The Ottawan University is not the only campus to have had debates over abortion recently. Similar arguments and conflicts have arisen in the Universities of Guelph and Victoria.
The debate over abortion which has resurfaced in Canada follows vociferous arguments currently waging across the United States of America. In fact, various pro life groups have involved many Republican politicians and legal figures to try and push their message by tagging amendments onto President Obama’s health care laws.
To date, the pro and anti arguments have not crossed the Atlantic, although there have been occasional clashes over a number of issues. These usually relate to when abortion should be allowed rather than opposing the idea outright.
Meanwhile those opposed to abortion in the US State of Virginia are apparently having difficulties over its strategy.
The issue surrounds the regulation of abortion clinics which pro-life groups argue is not being carried out properly. At a recent rally for instance, a group of 150 people picketed Virginia’s Capitol building waving placards reading “Governor McDonnell, Regulate Clinics” and “Governor McDonnell, Please Act.”
It seems many anti-abortionists are frustrated that despite being against abortion himself, the Virginia Governor is dragging his heels.