While people can opt out of the new scheme to buy health insurance which is due to be enacted in 2014, they have been warned not to do so.
An Oregon representative, Peter DeFazio told reporters that while he doesn’t believe in compulsion he said: “It’s your choice. But remember, there are consequences, and you’re not going to pass those costs on to your neighbours, and your community, and other taxpayers and others in the country who are insured.”
The Federal health care reforms passed by President Obama, has caused much consternation, with many Republicans actively trying to scupper the new scheme. Democrats such as Peter DeFazio are equally concerned, but for different reasons. He fervently believes that Americans have the right to opt out, but must accept that doing so could store up problems in the future.
For those who can afford to pay their medical bills upfront, this will obviously not be a problem. For instance, one Seattle attorney told reporters that she prefers to pay cash, and doesn’t want the Government interfering with her choice. She added, that since her doctor only accepts cash, he charges a lot less for treatment.
“I don’t think you can force people to carry insurance. I don’t think that’s part of our mindset,” the lawyer said.
DeFazio’s individual mandate scheme however is also being opposed. A recent poll of 3,149 adults indicates half are against it; 22% support it, while the remainder are ‘don’t knows’.