American actress, Jennifer Aniston told reporters recently that she hasn’t ruled out going under the knife when she is older.
While not opposed to having cosmetic surgery per se, at the moment Ms Aniston does not feel getting work done at her present age is necessary. She said: “I think there is an extreme pressure on women and men to just stay young and unfortunately men and women don’t see it to grow old gracefully.”
Aniston added: “A lot of women go too far and end up looking a hell of a lot older than they actually are and it sort of has a reverse effect. So talk to me in 10 years.”
Meanwhile a Texan cosmetic surgeon believes the US is turning an economic corner with more and more people starting to get work done. Dr. Sam Jejurikar told reporters: “I’ve noticed a huge increase in patient demand for non-invasive procedures such as Botox and facial fillers, not to mention an increase in surgical procedures which may help patients get ahead in the workplace.”
Apparently, the commonest procedures in order of preference last year were: breast augmentation, nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, liposuction and tummy tuck. Dr. Jejurikar also noted many patients get at least two particular operations at the same time. Whether that continues this year remains to be seen.
The commonest non-invasive procedure last year was Botox treatment. This appears to be continuing in 2011. Dr. Jejurikar said: “Botox, Dysport and facial fillers are relatively quick treatments and less expensive than more invasive procedures. Although the results are transient, the benefits are a more youthful appearance and perhaps an advantage in the workplace.”
The USA despite recent financial and economic problems over the last few years seems to be recovering quite quickly. The UK on the other hand is not so lucky. It will therefore be interesting to compare whether cosmetic surgery is one of the growth areas in the UK once, economic recovery starts in earnest.