This year saw the US Affordable Care Act implemented fully despite the arguing and wrangling between politicians.
While many people believe that socialised medicine is wrong and have actively campaigned against the new law, others have actually embraced it, although it is far removed from the idea of the NHS in the UK.
In one case a business man from New Britain in Connecticut said without the new law he would not have been able to afford health insurance.
The man in question decided to see his local politician, Representative Esty who connected him to the various bodies which the Care Act created to help people like him.
Speaking with reporters, Mr. Lagassie said that despite his business thriving, the cost of taking out health insurance cover was prohibitive. As such, he has not been covered for 12 years.
He added that without the Affordable Care Act he would not be able to see his doctor.
Mr. Lagassie is just one among many who are now able to avail themselves of the provisions of the new law, which gives people a number of options.
Until now people with pre-existing medical conditions would struggle to get health insurance cover. For millions of others the cost was simply too high.
However President Obama was elected on the back of his promise to help his fellow citizens who he believed were being left behind, and possibly dying early, simply because they couldn’t afford health care.
The businessman’s story came to light after Representative Esty set up something called Constituency Corner. The idea behind this is to have a database of stories on what the politician is doing for people in the constituency.
While this is obviously unashamedly political, it nevertheless highlights how constituents like Mr. Lagassie are being helped.
It also gives an indication of how people are beginning to embrace the Affordable Care Act.