A mother of 2 from Midwest America has recently wrote a book exposing what she believes is the more seedy side of cosmetic surgery.
Vanity Wonder is said to have spent no less than $15,000 getting hip and bottom injections albeit illegally over the past 5 years. However, she decided to write the book to expose the charlatans who she believes are tarnishing the good name of qualified and professional cosmetic surgeons.
Referring to her book entitled Shot Girls, Vanity said: “I had always wanted a better body and, on top of that, I liked the compliments that I’d got when I was a little thicker.”
She added that fat is the main component of the injection although at times she was not sure what was being injected. What horrified her more though was the people carrying out the treatment were not certified cosmetic doctors.
Cosmetic surgery has grown tremendously over the last few years. As such, it has become prone to illegal and unqualified people taking advantage of unsuspecting, potential clients.
One of the most popular means of luring people is advertising a plastic surgery holiday. In one case, a British woman died in an American hotel when she booked a cosmetic surgery holiday. Industrial silicone was injected into the woman’s behind and not medical grade silicone. This caused major organ failure resulting in death.
Statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that in 2011 about 12.2 million minimal invasive procedures were carried out – a 6% increase on the year before. However, it isn’t clear how many illegal and dangerous procedures have been carried out.
Commenting on this Dr. Malcolm Roth, president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons said: “We’ve all seen horror stories of people who have done the quick and seemingly easy procedure done by the non-medical community.”
Although Vanity Wonder was sent to prison for taking part in an illegal procedure as part of her research, she feels ‘doing time’ was time well spent if her book helps saves lives.