Archives for September, 2015

Could Stem Cell Research Help to Cure Blindness?-8701

September 29th, 2015
Could Stem Cell Research Help to Cure Blindness?-8701

Pioneering surgeons in London have carried out a complex stem cell procedure in a bid to find a cure for blindness. Surgeons working at Moorfields Eye Hospital carried out human embryonic stem cell treatment on a 60 year old woman last month as part of the London Project to Cure Blindness. During the procedure, the surgeons […]

Concerns Raised as More Than 50% of People Miss Bowel Cancer Screening-0302

September 22nd, 2015
Concerns Raised as More Than 50% of People Miss Bowel Cancer Screening-0302

Cancer Research UK has raised concerns after more than half of a group of 21,000 people turned down the chance to be involved in a new screening programme that could help to prevent them from developing bowel cancer. Of the 21,000 people who were invited, only 42% of women and 45% of men accepted the invitation to […]

Smaller Portions Lead to Smaller Obesity Rates, Experts Say-9555

September 15th, 2015
Smaller Portions Lead to Smaller Obesity Rates, Experts Say-9555

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have called for smaller portion sizes in a bid to reduce rates of obesity. Researchers carried out a review of more than 60 studies and found that reducing portion size could make a major difference to rates of obesity in the future. The research team found that people are […]

Vitamin C Supplements Could Help to Reduce Heart Disease-7062

September 8th, 2015
Vitamin C Supplements Could Help to Reduce Heart Disease-7062

Scientists have discovered that taking a daily dose of vitamin C can help to protect against vascular diseases in those who are overweight. A new study claims that daily supplements of vitamin C could be as beneficial as walking with regards to improving heart health in overweight people. Researchers have discovered that taking the equivalent of […]

Brisk Walking Can Increase Your Lifespan-5932

September 1st, 2015
Brisk Walking Can Increase Your Lifespan-5932

According to health experts, a brisk 25 minute walk every day can add up to 7 years to your life. At the European Society of Cardiology congress, researchers claimed that exercising regularly could increase the average lifespan and reduce ageing. Sanjay Sharma from St. George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in South London said that […]

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