Archives for May, 2012

Damascus Hospital Launching Cosmetic Surgery Clinic -4453

May 30th, 2012
Damascus Hospital Launching Cosmetic Surgery Clinic -4453

Despite all the troubles occurring in Syria, it seems there is one bright spot for medicine. The Red Crescent Hospital in Damascus has just started work on a number of clinics involving treatment of cancer. While the overall theme is an oncology department, clinics are being created for chemotherapy, cosmetic surgery and dermatology. While the […]

Gene Found for Male Fertility -5913

May 28th, 2012
Gene Found for Male Fertility -5913

Scientists have discovered a gene that is believed to relate to male fertility, specifically sperm production. As a consequence of this vital research there are suggestions that a male contraceptive pill could be developed within the next 10 years. Further, some scientists think it may be possible that men could be given treatment which causes […]

Canadian Hair Salon Helps Out with a Memorial -3761

May 25th, 2012
Canadian Hair Salon Helps Out with a Memorial -3761

A hair salon in the city of Victoria decided to help one of its customers in her quest to raise money for a hair charity – Locks of Love. Sue Bishop managed to raise Canadian $150 more as a memento for her mother who died from cancer. Her daughter remembers that she had to wear […]

Can Infertility Information Help Throw Light on Birth Defects? -0211

May 23rd, 2012
Can Infertility Information Help Throw Light on Birth Defects? -0211

It seems so, according to scientists. A study published by the New England Journal of Medicine looked at over 300,000 pregnancies (a mixture of different types such as IVF and natural) and found there was a 28% greater risk of giving birth to a child with a defect when infertility treatments were used. Defects found […]

Maintaing Your Eye Health in Middle Age -9660

May 21st, 2012
Maintaing Your Eye Health in Middle Age -9660

The USA is fond of creating a variety of events to celebrate how you should look after your health. The latest in this series is Healthy Vision Month which takes place this month in California. Seemingly losing sight is the one sense most people worry most about, which is perhaps understandable. Yet at the same […]

National Health Cover a Growing Global Trend -3500

May 18th, 2012
National Health Cover a Growing Global Trend -3500

It seems while the USA is having a debate about the availability of health insurance for all its citizens, many supposedly third world nations have taken this issue by the scruff of its neck. Mexico and China are just 2 of a number of countries that are far less affluent than the USA, but have […]

Improve Your Knowledge to Lose Weight -0365

May 16th, 2012
Improve Your Knowledge to Lose Weight -0365

Experts in the US have suggested that people who want to lose weight should improve their knowledge before going on a diet. The suggestion is that people need to understand more why their lifestyle is probably one of the major reasons for becoming obese in the first place and more importantly accept that this is […]

Dental Forensics -5839

May 14th, 2012
Dental Forensics -5839

Some lucky students attending Washington Township High School in the USA were given a rare treat recently. They were given information and some experience in what it means to be a forensic dentist. Dr. Anthony Calandra, a local community dentist and an expert in forensic orthodontics gave a talk about the importance of oral health […]

New Survey Debunks Abortion Myth -0611

May 11th, 2012
New Survey Debunks Abortion Myth -0611

The pro versus anti abortion argument often deteriorates to a slanging match, in which those in favour of abortion are accused of not really understanding the consequences of choosing an abortion. However, a recent survey has debunked this myth. It seems that 87% of women seeking an abortion are highly confident in the decision they […]

LASIK Eye Treatment Makes Its Way to the Middle East -9106

May 9th, 2012
LASIK Eye Treatment Makes Its Way to the Middle East -9106

It isn’t just the USA, Europe and other western nations that are seeing an upsurge in use of LASIK laser eye treatment. Patients in Oman are also benefiting. Patients requiring treatment visit the Muscat Eye Laser Centre, which uses a particular system called Z-LASIK. Uptake has apparently been nothing short of phenomenal. Worldwide 30 million […]

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