Q3. How does alli help you to lose weight?

A3. Alli binds itself to pancreatic and gastric enzymes which are responsible for breaking down fats within our food. This fat is then absorbed by our bodies.

Fat is high in calories so the more of this you consume the greater the chance you will put on weight. But alli prevents some of this from happening. Around 25% of fat in your food is not broken down and absorbed into your body. This fat is then expelled from your body via faeces.

If fat is not absorbed then it is unable to lead to weight gain. So, a reduction in the amount of fat absorbed means a reduction in calories. This reduction will lead to weight loss.

The most effective way of losing weight using alli is with a low fat diet and exercise plan.

Find out more in our how alli works section.


Alli FAQs

  1. What is alli?
  2. What does the alli capsule contain?
  3. How does alli help you to lose weight?
  4. Is alli safe?
  5. Why do I need to take a multivitamin
  6. What happens if I forget to
  7. How many capsules do I need to take?
  8. Can anyone take alli?
  9. What type of diet do I need to follow?
  10. How much exercise do I need to take?
  1. Can I drink alcohol whilst
  2. How much weight will I lose
  3. A13. When do you start to lose weight with alli?
  4. What is obesity?
  5. What is BMI?
  6. What is the difference between being
  7. Can you use alli if you are
  8. Can you use alli if you are ’
  9. Are there any side effects
  10. Where do you buy alli from?

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