Q30. Why is it important to look after your throat?
A30. The throat is a delicate structure which performs a range of vital functions. Looking after it will ensure that it continues to do so as well as reducing the risk of an infection.
There are a few measures you can take which will ensure that your throat remains in tip top shape and are easy to do. These include following a healthy lifestyle, monitoring your stress levels, avoiding any known allergens if you have an allergy and resting your voice if you use it to earn a living.
Find out more in our looking after your throat section.
FAQS Index : Sore throat FAQ
- What does the throat consist of?
- What does the throat do?
- What is the larynx?
- What are the tonsils?
- How do the vocal cords work?
- What enables us to speak?
- Why do we get a sore throat?
- Can you treat a sore throat with antibiotics?
- Why does my child get lots of sore throats?
- What is diphtheria?
- What is croup?
- What is quinsy?
- What is acid reflux?
- What is strep throat?
- What is the difference between a viral throat infection and a bacterial throat infection?
- Why do children have frequent episodes of tonsillitis?
- What are adenoids?
- Do you need to have your tonsils removed?
- What are the different types of throat cancer?
- What causes throat cancer?
- How is throat cancer treated?
- Can oral sex damage the throat?
- What effect does your lifestyle have on your throat?
- Why are singers prone to throat problems?
- Why does being overweight affect your throat?
- Can you treat a sore throat at home?
- My child has a sore throat; do I need to see my GP?
- What causes someone to lose their voice?
- Can you prevent a sore throat?
- Why is it important to look after your throat?
Sore Throat Guide
- Sore Throat
- Throat anatomy
- Adenoids
- Tonsils
- Epiglottis
- Uvula
- Larynx
- Pharynx
- Vocal cords
- Trachea
- How the throat works
- Coughing
- Speech
- Swallowing
- Causes of a sore throat
- Throat related problems
- Dysphonia
- Dysphagia
- Throat ulcers
- Globus pharyngeus
- Acid reflux
- Lumps in the throat
- Reinke’s oedema
- Enlarged adenoids
- Congenital throat problems
- Wegener’s granulomatosis
- Pharyngeal pouch
- Croup
- Sinusitis
- Bad breath
- Throat infections
- Strep throat
- Tonsillitis
- Laryngitis
- Pharyngitis
- Diphtheria
- Bacterial throat infections
- Viral throat infections
- Glandular fever
- Throat polyps
- Quinsy
- Candidiasis
- Epiglottitis
- Throat cancers
- Cancer of the larynx
- Cancer of the oesophagus
- Cancer of the pharynx
- Cancer of the thyroid gland
- Cancer of the trachea
- Cancer of the mouth
- Treatment for sore throat
- Home based treatment
- Over the counter treatment
- Prescription medicine
- Throat surgery
- Laryngectomy
- Tonsillectomy
- Recovery after tonsillectomy
- Adenoidectomy
- Tracheostomy
- Thyroidectomy
- Looking after your throat
- Lifestyle factors
- Smoking
- Excess weight
- Alcohol
- Housedust
- Voice misuse
- Professional speakers and singers
- Preventing a sore throat
- Sore throat in children
- Sore throat FAQs
- Glossary