Q5. Why is it a problem?

A5. There are several reasons why it is a problem. The main reason is that ejaculation problems can be distressing for both partners as it means a frustrating and unsatisfying love life. This can cause long term problems in the relationship and in some cases, even cause it to break down. It results in a loss of confidence for the man and a sense of frustration for the woman which then impacts upon their sex life. It is even worse if the couple are trying to start a family. It is easy to dismiss this condition as something trivial but it is anything but trivial for the person concerned. Find out more in our problem with premature ejaculation section.


Premature ejaculation FAQs

  1. What is premature ejaculation?
  2. What causes premature ejaculation?
  3. Is premature ejaculation a common problem among men?
  4. Is premature ejaculation similar to erectile dysfunction?
  5. Why is it a problem?
  6. Does premature ejaculation affect young men only?
  7. Should I talk about my premature ejaculation with my partner?
  8. Can certain medical conditions cause premature ejaculation?
  1. What are the psychological reasons for premature ejaculation?
  2. Can premature ejaculation be cured?
  3. Does premature ejaculation have a long term affect on your health?
  4. Is there any medication available to treat premature ejaculation?
  5. What is Priligy?
  6. Are there any self help forms of treatment?
  7. Should I visit my doctor about my premature ejaculation?

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