Pregnancy, tattoos, and stress

During pregnancy, woman’s body and mind is naturally put under stress as it prepares the developing foetus for birth. Many women also worry about the health of their unborn baby and the birth process. The tattoo process with skin piercing to insert the pigment-dye combinations can significantly raise stress levels.

Research shows that elevated cortisol stress hormone levels in a pregnant mother are correlated with raised cortisol in the amniotic fluid sac of the uterus that holds and shields the developing embryo. The amniotic fluid is what protects the unborn child from infection. Raised cortisol levels in this fluid increases tension experienced by the growing foetus that can result in trauma because of changes in levels of the amniotic fluid. Significant changes can raise the foetus’ blood pressure or result in early rupture of the membranes causing pre-term birth.

Studies also suggest that babies born under stress are more likely to have lupus disease, ADHD disorder, heart disease and poor health. Choosing to have a tattoo when pregnant, poses harm to both expectant mother and the unborn baby.

Tattoos and Pregnancy:

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