How long will it take to lose my baby weight?

Everyone is different and it can take some women much longer than others to lose baby weight. Many women now feel under pressure to lose their baby weight as quickly as possible, especially now that celebrities seem to be photographed looking incredibly trim just days after giving birth; however, you shouldn’t force yourself to lose the weight as quickly as possible as this is not healthy.

If you are used to eating healthily and exercising on a regular basis, it is more likely that you will lose your baby weight quickly and you may find it only takes a few months; if you are not used to exercising and you like to indulge in sweet treats and convenience foods it may take you longer.

Losing baby weight is down to the individual and some women are much more eager to lose their weight than others. There is nothing wrong with carrying a few extra pounds after you have given birth and some women embrace curves they have never had before; however, there are many health problems associated with being overweight and eating a diet that is high in fat, sugar and salt, so try to keep to a stable, healthy bodyweight and eat a healthy and balanced diet. Crash dieting is equally damaging to the body, so don’t deprive your body of the fuel it needs and don’t exercise to the point of extreme exhaustion.

Losing Baby Weight:

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