Q1. Are marijuana and cannabis the same drug?

A1. These two terms are interchangeable. Cannabis is used to refer to marijuana and vice versa.

Marijuana is a naturally occurring plant which is found in many parts of the world which includes the UK.

This plant is comprised of 3 subspecies which includes cannabis sativa, cannabis indica and cannabis ruderalis.

It is a dark green plant with distinctive spiky leaves and a pungent aroma. It contains the main chemical called 'tetrahydrocannabinol' which is directly responsible for the effects on the brain.

For more information visit what is marijuana section.

FAQS Index : Marijuana FAQ

Marijuana FAQs

  1. Q1. Are marijuana and cannabis the same drug?
  2. Q2. Is there more than one type of marijuana?
  3. Q3. Why is marijuana popular?
  4. Q4. Can you become addicted to marijuana?
  5. Q5. What are the physical effects of marijuana?
  6. Q6. What are the psychological effects of marijuana?
  7. Q7. What does marijuana look like?
  8. Q8. Does marijuana cause psychosis?
  9. Q9. Does marijuana cause cancer?
  1. Q10. What is 'medical marijuana?'
  2. Q11. Is it illegal to possess marijuana?
  3. Q12. What are 'the munchies?'
  4. Q13. How is marijuana used?
  5. Q14. Can you treat marijuana addiction?
  6. Q15. Does using marijuana mean that you will use other drugs?

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