Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer with donor eggs
Any woman wishing to undergo GIFT needs to have a healthy, functioning reproductive system. This is because the procedure involves the fallopian tubes which are the natural site for conception.
If you are looking to have GIFT then you will undergo a series of fertility tests beforehand which may include a laparoscopy. This is an invasive procedure, performed under a local or general anaesthetic. An incision is made in your abdomen followed by the insertion of a thin tube with a camera which enables your specialist to check the condition of your pelvic region.
Your male partner may undergo a sperm analysis test to check sperm volume and movement. The higher his sperm count the greater the chance of conception.
Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer Treatment Guide Index:
- Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) - Intro
- Is GIFT the same as In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)?
- GIFT success rates
- GIFT with donor eggs
Infertility Guide
- Infertility Guide
- what is infertility?
- infertility myths
- infertility facts
- female infertility
- medical conditions
- emotional aspects of infertility
- donor insemination
- infertility and your general practitioner
- fertility success rates
- fertility treatment abroad
- infertility tests
- infertility treatment
- infertility faqs
- the cost of infertility tests and treatment
- ivf (in vitro fertilisation) and gift (gamete intra fallopian transfer)
- finding a fertility clinic
- male infertility
- miscarriage
- pregnancy tests
- Fertility Extension
- glossary