What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POS)?

This is an ovulation disorder in which cysts form on the ovaries as a result of overproduction of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

FSH is one of two hormones which are mainly responsible for triggering ovulation. FSH and LH (luteinizing hormone) are produced by the pituitary gland - a tiny gland at the base of the brain which is part of the body’s endocrine system. This system is responsible for many functions within the body which include the regulation of stress, metabolism and physical growth.

These two hormones cause the ovaries to produce oestrogen which is vital for ovulation but for some reason this process fails to work properly which affects ovulation.

This is a balancing act between increased oestrogen production and decreased FSH production. If sufficient oestrogen is produced it then decreases FSH. But, when something goes wrong, the body keeps producing FSH which then over stimulates the ovaries. And this leads to all sorts of problems such as POS.

Symptoms include lower abdominal pain, failure to ovulate, irregular periods and insulin resistance (Type 2 diabetes).

Treatment includes oral contraceptives to regulate the menstrual cycle and diabetic medication to control diabetes.

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