The Complete Guide to Hernias

Have you got a hernia?

Have you developed a hernia? Can anyone get a hernia? What causes a hernia? How are hernias treated? These and many other questions about hernias are answered in this comprehensive guide.

This guide is here to provide you with as much information as you need about hernias so that you are able to make an informed decision about treatment.

A hernia can affect anyone: young or old, male or female, unfit or fit. Yes, people who are very fit and exercise on a regular basis can also develop hernias, a good example of this being bodybuilders and weightlifters.

So, no-one is exempt from getting a hernia. However the good news is that they can be easily treated via surgery which means that you can quickly resume your normal day to day activities.

Hernia surgery is discussed in greater detail in our treatment for hernias section.

What type of hernia do you have?

But before you get to the treatment part of this guide you may want to know more about what a hernia is; what causes them; the symptoms of a hernia and the different types of hernia. This is where this guide can help.

For instance: did you know that there is more than one type of hernia? Many people have heard of a ‘hiatus hernia’but are not familiar with ‘inguinal hernia’ or ‘epigastric hernia’. If you are not sure which type of hernia you have then have a look at our types of hernia section.

This is designed to give you an overview of the different types of hernia so that you have a greater understanding of these during the consultation with your GP. If your GP mentions femoral or inguinal hernia then you will understand what he/she is talking about. This will also help you decide whether to be treated on the NHS or at a private clinic. If you do opt to ‘go private’ then ensure that you choose a reputable clinic that will be concerned with your health and well being. This is discussed in greater detail in our treatment for hernias section.

How can this hernia guide help?

This complete guide to hernias is structured in the following way:

As well as information on what a hernia is and the different types there is also a section aimed at parents with small children. If you are the parent of a child who you think has developed a hernia then have a look at this section. It contains useful information about the most common types of hernias in children –inguinal and umbilical.

Inguinal hernias are more common in boys than girls so visit this section if you have a son or sons.

Treatment for hernias in children is similar to that for an adult and involves a simple operation. This is discussed in more detail in our hernias and children section.

We have also included a FAQs section which includes the most popular questions asked by people about hernias. Plus a glossary of terms used in this guide and a list of useful links.

Medical jargon is used throughout this guide but only where necessary and if possible, is accompanied by an explanation. If you want to know what a particular medical term means then visit this section.

To reiterate: this complete guide to hernias is here to help you gain a greater understanding of what this common medical condition is and how it is treated.

Learn more about hernias

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