Q18. How do you cope with arthritis?

A18. The emphasis is on managing the symptoms so that this improves your quality of life. There is no cure for arthritis but there are ways of making things that bit easier.

The important issue here is to have an arthritis management plan which includes a few self help option, e.g. diet and exercise plus treatment prescribed by your GP. This will include drugs, physiotherapy and occupational therapy if necessary.

People with arthritis have periods where the symptoms are at their worst –known as a flare up – and times when the symptoms have eased and their energy levels are at their highest.

So you need to plan your days around these. Pace yourself as advised by your GP and accept help whenever needed.

Find out more about coping in our living with arthritis section. This section contains useful information about managing at home, being mobile and the affect of arthritis on your job/career.

Arthritis FAQs:

Arthritis FAQs

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