What is hydroa vacciniforme?

Hydroa vacciniforme is an extremely rare form of photosensitivity. It affects predominantly children between the ages of 3 and 15, and is more common in children.

The lesions in hydroa vacciniforme develop between 30 minutes and 2 hours after exposure to sunlight (UVA is thought to be the main type of light involved in hydroa vacciniforme). Dense, swollen bumps on the skin (papules) and blisters filled with fluid (hydroa) appear on the skin, and these can be itchy or can have a mild burning or stinging sensation. These turn into dimpled, blackened lesions on a red area of skin (the red area is inflammation, the black area is necrosis - death of cells and tissues). The lesions heal to form “pox-like” (vacciniforme) depressed scars.

Other signs and symptoms include conjunctivitis and an experience of pain or discomfort in the eyes on being exposed to bright lights (photophobia), fever, a general feeling of being ill (malaise), and separation of nails from the nail bed (photo-onycholysis).

The condition usually resolves at adolescence, but the scars are permanent. Making sure your child wears adequate clothing and high-SPF sunscreens can help reduce the development of lesions.

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