Q56. Does drug treatment work? - Drug Addiction FAQs
A56. It does in terms of helping addicts to cope with their addiction. There are people who successful manage to beat their addiction and lead drug-free lives. This is by no means universal or perfect and there are addicts who relapse or cannot be treated.
Some groups of addicts are easier to treat than others: for example, heroin and crack cocaine users are more difficult to treat than other drug users.
Treatment for drug addiction can take place in a local community or via a residential rehab centre but failure will occur if other factors are not taken into account. These are all related to the addict and include job opportunities, housing, and education, access to healthcare and social activities. If there is a lack of these then there is a risk of the addict resuming their addiction.
Improvements can be made but the treatment does work for a great many addicts and their families. Drug treatment is not a cure for addiction. The addict needs to be aware that they have an addictive tendency and deal with that.
A person needs to be drug-free after 5 years to be considered fully recovered from their addiction.
Drug Addiction FAQs Index:
- What is an addiction?
- What is the difference between a dependency and an addiction?
- What causes an addiction?
- Why do some people become addicted but others don’t?
- What are the physical effects of an addiction?
- What are the mental effects of an addiction?
- What is the relationship between addiction and crime?
- Can you have a harmless addiction to something?
- Are there any risk factors for addiction?
- How do I know if I have an addiction?
- How do you treat an addiction?
- What is ‘withdrawal’?
- What are ‘cravings’?
- What is a ‘relapse?’
- Can you be cured of an addiction?
- How does drinking lead to alcoholism?
- What are the signs of a drink problem?
- What is the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism?
- What is ‘alcohol tolerance’?
- What are alcohol withdrawal symptoms?
- I think my partner is drinking heavily what can I do?
- What is the treatment for alcohol addiction?
- Why is smoking so addictive?
- What is ‘nicotine'?
- Why is it so difficult to stop smoking?
- What are the effects of nicotine withdrawal?
- How does smoking cause cancer?
- How do some people smoke heavily all their lives and never get cancer?
- What are the effects of smoking?
- What is ‘caffeine’?
- How can you become addicted to caffeine?
- Which foods or drinks contain caffeine?
- What are the effects of too much caffeine?
- What is caffeine withdrawal?
- I think I am drinking too much coffee, what should I do?
- How much caffeine is there in energy drinks such as Red Bull?
- How does an addiction start in young people?
- I think my daughter has been taking drugs, what do I do?
- Why do young people become addicted?
- How can we stop young people from becoming addicted?
- Why do people take drugs?
- What are ‘hard’ drugs?
- What are ‘soft’ drugs?
- Is drug use confined to deprived areas only?
- What are the signs of drug abuse?
- What are the effects of drug use?
- What is the link between drug use and crime?
- Which are the most popular drugs in the UK?
- Why do teenagers take drugs?
- Can using cannabis lead to the use of harder drugs?
- Can you stop taking drugs by willpower only?
- Why do people lie about taking drugs?
- How do you treat drug addiction?
- What is ‘cold turkey’?
- What is drug rehab?
- Does drug treatment work?
Guide to Drug Addiction
- Drug Addiction Guide
- About Drug Addiction
- What is addiction
- What causes an addiction
- Addictive personality
- Drug addiction myths
- Genetics and addiction
- Signs of an addiction
- Risk factors for drug addiction
- Stress and addiction
- Social use of drugs
- What is pseudo-addiction
- Am I Addicted to drugs
- Social effects of drug addiction
- Drug addiction and crime
- Types of addictions
- Alcohol addiction
- Caffeine addiction
- Amphetamines
- Methamphetamines
- Anabolic steroids
- Barbiturates
- Cannabis
- Cocaine
- Codeine
- Ecstasy
- Gammahydroxybutyrate
- Hallucinogenic drugs
- Heroin
- Ketamine
- Legal high drugs
- Marijuana
- Methadone
- Morphine
- Prescription drugs
- Solvents
- Smoking
- Young people and addictions
- Treating addiction
- Assessing drug addiction
- Medical help
- Addiction support
- Treatments
- Abstinence
- Acupuncture
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Counselling
- Detox
- Hypnosis
- Medication
- Psychotherapy
- Rehabilitation
- Relapse prevention
- Self help
- Therapy
- Faqs
- Glossary