Q49. Why do teenagers take drugs? - Drug Addiction FAQs
A49. There are many reasons why teenagers take drugs which include:
- Enjoy taking them
- Boredom
- Experimentation
- Peer pressure
- Curious about them
- Means of defying authority
- Seen as ‘cool’ or part of a subculture
- Escapism/defence mechanism
- Easy to obtain
Much drug use usually features alcohol and cigarettes although drug use has increased lately.
Drug Addiction FAQs Index:
- What is an addiction?
- What is the difference between a dependency and an addiction?
- What causes an addiction?
- Why do some people become addicted but others don’t?
- What are the physical effects of an addiction?
- What are the mental effects of an addiction?
- What is the relationship between addiction and crime?
- Can you have a harmless addiction to something?
- Are there any risk factors for addiction?
- How do I know if I have an addiction?
- How do you treat an addiction?
- What is ‘withdrawal’?
- What are ‘cravings’?
- What is a ‘relapse?’
- Can you be cured of an addiction?
- How does drinking lead to alcoholism?
- What are the signs of a drink problem?
- What is the difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism?
- What is ‘alcohol tolerance’?
- What are alcohol withdrawal symptoms?
- I think my partner is drinking heavily what can I do?
- What is the treatment for alcohol addiction?
- Why is smoking so addictive?
- What is ‘nicotine'?
- Why is it so difficult to stop smoking?
- What are the effects of nicotine withdrawal?
- How does smoking cause cancer?
- How do some people smoke heavily all their lives and never get cancer?
- What are the effects of smoking?
- What is ‘caffeine’?
- How can you become addicted to caffeine?
- Which foods or drinks contain caffeine?
- What are the effects of too much caffeine?
- What is caffeine withdrawal?
- I think I am drinking too much coffee, what should I do?
- How much caffeine is there in energy drinks such as Red Bull?
- How does an addiction start in young people?
- I think my daughter has been taking drugs, what do I do?
- Why do young people become addicted?
- How can we stop young people from becoming addicted?
- Why do people take drugs?
- What are ‘hard’ drugs?
- What are ‘soft’ drugs?
- Is drug use confined to deprived areas only?
- What are the signs of drug abuse?
- What are the effects of drug use?
- What is the link between drug use and crime?
- Which are the most popular drugs in the UK?
- Why do teenagers take drugs?
- Can using cannabis lead to the use of harder drugs?
- Can you stop taking drugs by willpower only?
- Why do people lie about taking drugs?
- How do you treat drug addiction?
- What is ‘cold turkey’?
- What is drug rehab?
- Does drug treatment work?
Guide to Drug Addiction
- Drug Addiction Guide
- About Drug Addiction
- What is addiction
- What causes an addiction
- Addictive personality
- Drug addiction myths
- Genetics and addiction
- Signs of an addiction
- Risk factors for drug addiction
- Stress and addiction
- Social use of drugs
- What is pseudo-addiction
- Am I Addicted to drugs
- Social effects of drug addiction
- Drug addiction and crime
- Types of addictions
- Alcohol addiction
- Caffeine addiction
- Amphetamines
- Methamphetamines
- Anabolic steroids
- Barbiturates
- Cannabis
- Cocaine
- Codeine
- Ecstasy
- Gammahydroxybutyrate
- Hallucinogenic drugs
- Heroin
- Ketamine
- Legal high drugs
- Marijuana
- Methadone
- Morphine
- Prescription drugs
- Solvents
- Smoking
- Young people and addictions
- Treating addiction
- Assessing drug addiction
- Medical help
- Addiction support
- Treatments
- Abstinence
- Acupuncture
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Counselling
- Detox
- Hypnosis
- Medication
- Psychotherapy
- Rehabilitation
- Relapse prevention
- Self help
- Therapy
- Faqs
- Glossary