How do you treat crooked teeth?

Crooked teeth can happen for a variety of reasons. It can be as a result of tooth loss or a normal part of the ageing process. Our teeth and gums tend to shrink as we get older which can cause our teeth to become misaligned.

Whatever the reason crooked teeth are unsightly and can affect your confidence and self-esteem. You may find that you cover your mouth when you talk or are reluctant to smile.

However, there are ways of treating this. There are several options open to you which all do the same thing: namely that of straightening your teeth.

Treatment options include:

  • Porcelain veneers: a veneer is a wafer thin ‘shell’ also known as a laminate which can be fitted over the front of a tooth. They are natural looking and designed to blend in with the rest of your teeth. They make a crooked tooth look straight and also form part of a smile makeover.

To learn more visit our veneers section.

  • Orthodontics: orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with misaligned or irregular shaped teeth. Treatment involves the use of a device called a ’brace’ to do so. There are two types of braces - fixed and removable.

There are a variety of braces which include the traditional metal and wire brace as well as the newer ‘invisible brace’ or Invisalign.

To learn more visit our orthodontics section.

Braces do take a bit of getting used to but they are extremely effective and will result in perfectly aligned teeth.

If you have severely crooked teeth as a result of a jaw disorder such as TMJD then surgery may be required. A maxillofacial surgeon will realign your jaw so that it resumes its correct position. This can help with teeth straightening as well as improving your ‘bite’.

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