Male Breast Reduction Surgery - gynaecomastia surgery

Male breast reduction, or gynaecomastia surgery, is a cosmetic procedure used to reduce the size of a man's breasts.  According to research, approximately 40 to 60% of men experience some degree of abnormally large glandular tissue, though some men experience it to such an extent that it causes embarrassment.  For these men, a male breast reduction procedure makes it possible to remove the excess tissue and give the breast a firmer, flatter appearance.

Understanding Male Breast Reduction surgery

Reducing the size of the male breast involves performing liposuction in the area in order to remove the fatty tissue that is beneath the breast.  First, a small incision is made around the nipple of the breast or breasts.  Then, a small metal tube is inserted through the incision and used to help suck the fatty tissue out of the patient's breast.  In some cases, the surgeon must also remove glandular tissue from the breast in order to achieve the desired results. 

The entire male breast reduction procedure generally takes one to three hours to complete, though the exact amount of time required will depend upon the size of the breast and what needs to be removed in order to achieve the desired results.  Some patients may be released to go home on the same day of the surgery, while others may need to remain in the hospital for one or two nights.  Following the surgery, patients must also wear a special Lycra garment for three weeks in order to provide additional support and to assist with the healing process.

Risks Associated with Male Breast Reduction

As with any type of cosmetic surgery, there are certain risks associated with male breast reduction (gynaecomastia surgery).  Some of the risks associated with all cosmetic surgeries include:

  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Infection
  • Negative reaction to anesthesia
  • Scarring
  • Swelling

Some of the risks and potential complications that are specifically associated with male breast reduction include:

  • Change of pigment in the breast, which may be temporary or permanent
  • Excessive accumulation of fluids in certain areas of the body
  • Excessive loss of fluids in the body, which can lead to shock
  • Experiencing asymmetry in the breasts from uneven fat and tissue removal
  • Feeling unhappy with the results
  • Loss of sensation in the nipples
  • Numbness in the breast, which can last for up to one year
  • Uneven positioning of the nipples following the procedure

In order to decrease the risks associated with male breast reduction, it is best to perform the procedure in younger men whose skin is still elastic and capable of springing back into place.  Nonetheless, men of all ages are eligible for treatment.

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