Who is not suitable for liposuction?

Your overall state of health is an important factor when assessing a patient for surgery. If you have less than perfect health then this can increase the risks of complications as well as affecting your recovery.

If you have suffered from poor health in the past or currently have a medical condition then this doesn’t mean that you are not able to have surgery. What is does mean is that you are more at risk and this is something you need to consider.

If you are a smoker then this can cause complications. Smoking can cause poor wound healing and can increase your recovery time. If you are considering liposuction then it would be better if you gave up smoking altogether.

We know this isn’t an easy thing to do and that help and support are needed to do so. Your surgeon can recommend a stop smoking programme if need be. What you will find is that your surgeon will refuse to undertake liposuction if you are still smoking. He or she will advise you to stop two weeks before surgery and not to resume until two weeks after surgery.

If you have a history of poor wound healing, higher than normal risk of blood clots, cardiac problems, excessive bleeding and an immune system disorder then you are at higher risk of complications.

If you take prescription medicine such as Warfarin (blood thinning drug), anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin then liposuction is not recommended. These drugs can increase the risk of bleeding.

What is important to note here is that the older you are the less successful the results of liposuction. Older people have reduced skin elasticity and tone than younger people. Wrinkling is more of an issue for older patients.

So, if you are over 40 you are likely to be left with loose skin due to the ageing process.

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