What are the benefits of breast reduction surgery?

The main benefits are smaller, lighter and firmer breasts. They will be in proportion to the rest of your body. This also means no more physical discomfort such as backache or neck ache. The areola (the brown circular area round the nipple) will be smaller and better proportioned as well.

The scars will fade but breast reduction surgery does mean extensive scars which, whilst they fade, will be permanent. They will fade to thin white lines.

This procedure results in one of the most dramatic changes to physical appearance. Your clothes will fit better; you will no longer have physical discomfort or have to endure unwanted comments about the size of your breasts. This is usually a particular issue for teenage girls.

Other benefits include improving asthma – if you are a sufferer and balancing the size and shape of the breasts. If you had skin irritation, breathing problems or indentations caused by bra straps then these will disappear.

There is also the improved confidence, self-esteem and quality of life. Whether you are a teenage girl or mature woman you will look and feel so much better.

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