What are ‘teeth in an hour/teeth now’ dental implant procedure?

This is a procedure in which the implants and replacement teeth are fitted all in one go, rather than wait for six months between the first and second stages. It suits those patients who don’t want to wait for that period of time.

Known as ‘immediate loading’ in dental terminology, this instant process means that you can have your new tooth or teeth in around an hour.

The immediacy of this is what appeals to people who are ‘time poor but cash rich’: hence the marketing term ‘teeth in an hour’. It is a computer aided implant technique which works best for those patients with enough jawbone density.

This can sound very attractive and does have its advantages in that you avoid the 6 month wait between the two stages. Plus you don’t have to wear a denture as a temporary measure whilst
osseo-integration takes place.

However, there are disadvantages with this procedure. One of these is the need for more implants, plus the higher risk of implant failure. The reason for that is that the jaw has not had time to fuse with the implant which means that there is a greater risk of implant rejection.

You need to weigh up the pros and cons of both before making a decision.

Dental Implant Guide Index:

Guide to dental implants

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