Q7. How does toothpaste form part of a teeth cleaning routine?

A7. It is important to adopt a daily dental hygiene routine which consists of brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing them and then rinsing away the debris with a mouthwash.

Doing so will protect them against tooth decay and gum disease. If you combine this with six monthly visits to your dentist then this will doubly protect them.

Toothpaste is a vital component in an oral care plan.

FAQS Index:

Toothpaste FAQs

  1. What is toothpaste made from?
  2. Why do some brands of toothpaste cost more than others?
  3. I have sensitive teeth; which is the best toothpaste for me?
  4. Is there a particular type of toothpaste for smokers?
  5. What are teeth whitening toothpastes
  1. What is ‘fluorosis?’
  2. How does toothpaste form part of a teeth cleaning routine?
  3. Why are there so many different types of toothpaste?
  4. Which is the best toothpaste to use?
  5. Which is better: gel or toothpaste?

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